Corporate Seminars

Our corporate nutrition services are devised keeping in mind the constraints of the fast paced corporate world.  We bring health and nutrition to your desk. 

With our sessions we give your employees practical tools and tips which they can readily implement along with their busy work schedules thereby improving efficiency, productivity, reduced absenteeism due to health issues and manage stress.

    • Nutrition seminars and workshops
    • Cafeteria menu planning
    • Tiffin box ideas and easy cooking methods
    • Periodic nutrition consultants for employees

School Workshops

Eating right starts from childhood. Choices with food the child makes can create a lasting impression through their growth years and into adulthood. 

Nutrition education equips the child with better concentration in studies, higher immunity levels leading to reduced absenteeism, no body shaming from peers and increase in performance in extracurricular activities.

    • Nutrition education sessions tailored to different age groups.
    • Help kids understand the difference between healthy and junk food.
    • Cafeteria menu reviews to ensure kids get the right nutrients.

Sports Academies

Nutrition Workshops at academies are designed to give athletes the knowledge to understand foods better, to make informed food choices and eat responsibly.

The sessions will be engaging, interactive & create awareness on how foods impact training and on-field performance.

    • Sessions tailored to different age groups and sports.
    • Nutrition consultation sessions for individuals and groups.
    • Menu reviews & design at academies too. 

Sports & Community Events

We would partner with you on nutrition during sports tournaments, marathon and cycling events and open house events to provide nutrition support that best suits your requirements.   




Working Hours

Monday - Saturday
10AM - 6PM

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